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DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc. (XRAY) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc. (XRAY) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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Dentsply Sirona is one of the world's largest manufacturers of dental equipment and supplies. It is a result of a merger of equals in 2016 between Dentsply International (manufactured dental consumables and lab products) and Sirona Dental Systems (manufactured technologically-advanced dental equipment). The firm's wide portfolio consists of dental consumables, lab products, CAD/CAM and imaging technology, medical devices, and specialty products in orthodontics, endodontics, and implantation. It distributes two-thirds of its dental consumables, technology and equipment through third-party distributors and the remaining portfolio is either sold to labs and offices through the firm's salesforce or directly to consumers (such as Byte clear aligner).

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