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Vipshop Holdings Limited (VIPS) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Vipshop Holdings Limited (VIPS) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About VIPS Vipshop Holdings Limited

Vipshop is a Leading Chinese online discount retailer offering branded products at attractive discounts ranging from 10%-90% off their original price through daily flash sales. It operates warehousing, retailing, product procurements, software development, and information technology support in-house while outsourcing to third-party logistics providers for distribution and shipments. Branded products on Vipshop's platform are sourced mostly through a consignment model with over 29,000 global partners as of Dec. 31, 2023. As of March 31, 2024, Eric Ya Shen, chairman and CEO, has 63.1% voting rights and a 30.9% stake while Arthur Xiaobo Hong, vice chairman and COO, has a 17.6% stake. Leading Chinese social media firm and strategic shareholder Tencent also holds an 11.8% interest.

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