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Textron Inc. (TXT) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Textron Inc. (TXT) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About TXT Textron Inc.

Logo Textron Inc.

Textron is a conglomerate that designs, manufactures, and services a range of specialty aircraft including small jets, propeller-driven airplanes, helicopters, and tilt-rotor aircraft. Textron Aviation manufactures and services Cessna and Beechcraft planes. Bell is a helicopter and tilt-rotor manufacturer and servicer for both commercial and military customers. Textron Systems produces uncrewed aircraft and armored vehicles for the military market as well as aircraft simulators and training for the commercial and military markets. Textron Industrial contains the Kautex business, which manufactures plastic fuel tanks for conventional and hybrid motor vehicles, and other subsidiaries that produce specialized vehicles such as golf carts and all-terrain vehicles.

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