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Millicom International Cellular S.A. (TIGO) Online Dividend Calculator

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About TIGO Millicom International Cellular S.A.

Logo Millicom International Cellular S.A.

Millicom offers wireless and fixed-line telecom services primarily in smaller, less developed countries in Latin America. Countries served include Bolivia (100% owned), Nicaragua (100%), Panama (100%), El Salvador (100%), Guatemala (100%), Paraguay (100%), Colombia (50%), and Honduras (67% but not controlled or consolidated in the firm's financial statements). The firm's wireless networks cover about 120 million people, serving 41 million customers. Its fixed-line networks reach 14 million homes, serving about 4 million broadband customers. Increasingly, Millicom offers converged packages that include broadband with wireless services. The firm has agreed to sell the majority of its wireless towers to SBA Communications for $975 million.

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