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Trip.com Group Limited (TCOM) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Trip.com Group Limited (TCOM) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About TCOM Trip.com Group Limited

Logo Trip.com Group Limited

Trip.com is the largest online travel agent in China and is positioned to benefit from the country's rising demand for higher-margin outbound travel as passport penetration is only 12% in China. The company generated about 78% of sales from accommodation reservations and transportation ticketing in 2020. The rest of revenue comes from package tours and corporate travel. Before the pandemic in 2019, the company generated 25% of revenue from international business, which is important to its margin expansion. Most of sales come from its online platform, but the company also maintains offline call centers. The competes in a crowded OTA industry in China, including Meituan, Alibaba-backed Fliggy, Tongcheng, and Qunar. The company was founded in 1999 and listed on the Nasdaq in December 2003.

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