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Schlumberger N.V. (SLB) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Schlumberger N.V. (SLB) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About SLB Schlumberger N.V.

Logo Schlumberger N.V.

SLB is the world's premier oilfield-services company as measured by market share. While the industry is mostly fragmented, SLB holds the first or second competitive position in many of the differentiated oligopolies it operates in. Also known as Schlumberger, the company was founded in 1926 by two brothers bearing the same last name. Today it's most known as a global industry leader in innovation, while it focuses its strategy on its three growth engines: its core, digital, and new energy businesses. Over three fourths of its revenue base is tied to international markets, while the company boasts well over $1 billion in digital-related revenue.

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