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QuantaSing Group Limited (QSG) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on QuantaSing Group Limited (QSG) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About QSG QuantaSing Group Limited

Logo QuantaSing Group Limited

QuantaSing Group Ltd is a learning service provider in China's adult learning market for personal interest courses. It offers easy-to-understand, affordable, and accessible online courses to adult learners under various brands, including QiNiu, Kelly, and QianChi among others empowering them to pursue personal development. The company offers courses for various domains such as financial literacy, skill upgrading, recreation, and leisure which are offered in live large-class dual-instructor mode, online community-based training camp mode, and in live lecture, one-on-one tutoring mode. Its segments are; Learning service and others which derives key revenue, and Consumer business. Geographically, the company generates all of its revenue from the People's Republic of China.

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