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Powell Industries Inc. (POWL) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Powell Industries Inc. (POWL) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About POWL Powell Industries Inc.

Logo Powell Industries Inc.

Powell Industries Inc is a United States-based company that develops, designs, manufactures, and services custom-engineered equipment and systems for electrical energy distribution, control, and monitoring. The company's principal products comprise integrated power control room substations, custom-engineered modules, electrical houses, traditional and arc-resistant distribution switchgear and control gear, and so on. These products are applied in oil and gas refining, offshore oil and gas production, petrochemical, pipeline, terminal, mining and metals, light-rail traction power, electric utility, pulp and paper, and other heavy industrial markets. The company generates the majority of its sales from the United States, and the rest from Canada, Europe, Asia Pacific, and other regions.

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