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Newell Brands Inc. (NWL) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Newell Brands Inc. (NWL) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About NWL Newell Brands Inc.

Logo Newell Brands Inc.

Newell Brands Inc is an American consumer goods company with a strong portfolio of well-known brands, including Rubbermaid, Sharpie, Graco, Coleman, Rubbermaid Commercial Products, Yankee Candle, Paper Mate, FoodSaver, Dymo, EXPO, Elmer's, Oster, NUK, Spontex and Campingaz. The group is focused on delighting consumers by lighting up everyday moments. Its segments are Home and Commercial Solutions, Learning and Development, and Outdoor and Recreation. The group geographic areas are the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific, and Latin America.

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