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Kroger Company (The) (KR) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Kroger Company (The) (KR) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About KR Kroger Company (The)

Logo Kroger Company (The)

Kroger is one of the largest grocery retailers in the United States with more than 2,700 stores across a portfolio of over 20 supermarket banners. The company boasts an ingrained presence in US communities, citing that it is a top-two grocer in most of its major market areas. Over one fourth of Kroger's roughly $110 billion in nonperishable and fresh food sales (about 75% of revenue) stems from its private-label portfolio, of which the company manufactures about 30% of units via its own food production plants. The firm also operates fuel stations and pharmacies at 60% and 80% of its locations, respectively.

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