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Nordstrom Inc. (JWN) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Nordstrom Inc. (JWN) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About JWN Nordstrom Inc.

Logo Nordstrom Inc.

Nordstrom is a fashion retailer that operates about 93 department stores and 280 off-price Nordstrom Rack stores. The company also operates both full- and off-price e-commerce sites, two clearance stores, and six Local locations. Nordstrom's largest merchandise categories are women's apparel (27% of 2023 sales), shoes (26% of 2023 sales), men's apparel (15% of 2023 sales), and beauty (13% of 2023 sales). Nordstrom, which traces its history to a shoe store opened in Seattle in 1901, continues to be partially owned and managed by members of the eponymous family.

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