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The Hershey Company (HSY) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on The Hershey Company (HSY) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About HSY The Hershey Company

Logo The Hershey Company

Hershey is a leading us confectionery manufacturer (around a $25 billion market), controlling around 36% of the domestic chocolate space (per Euromonitor). Beyond its namesake label, the firm's mix has expanded over the last 85 years and now consists of 100 brands, including Reese's, Kit Kat, Kisses, and Ice Breakers. Hershey's products are sold in about 80 countries, albeit with just a high-single-digit percentage of sales coming from markets outside the us, including Brazil, India, and Mexico. The firm has sought inorganic opportunities to extend its reach beyond its core confection business, adding Amplify Snack Brands and its Skinny Pop ready-to-eat popcorn to its mix, Pirate Brands, and Dot's Pretzels over the past few years.

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