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GE HealthCare Technologies Inc. (GEHC) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on GE HealthCare Technologies Inc. (GEHC) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About GEHC GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.

Logo GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.

GE HealthCare Technologies is a leading medical technology firm with leading market share in imaging and ultrasound equipment. The company reports four major segments: imaging (45% of revenue), advanced visualization solutions (26%), patient care solutions (16%), and pharmaceutical diagnostics (13%). The company's sales are geographically diverse, with the United States, EMEA, China, and the rest of the world accounting for 46%, 26%, 12%, and 17% respectively. We estimate approximately half of its revenue is recurring, which consists of servicing (about one third of revenue), pharmaceutical diagnostics (about 10%-15%), and digital solutions (just over 5%).

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