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First Citizens BancShares Inc. (FCNCA) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on First Citizens BancShares Inc. (FCNCA) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About FCNCA First Citizens BancShares Inc.

Logo First Citizens BancShares Inc.

First Citizens BancShares Inc is the bank holding company of First Citizens Bank and Trust Company. The company's segments include the General Bank, the Commercial Bank, SVB Commercial, and Rail. The General Bank segment delivers products and services to consumers and businesses through our extensive network of branches and various digital channels. The Commercial Bank segment provides financial services, including lending, leasing, and advisory, to small and mid-market businesses across various industries. The SVB Commercial provides financial services to innovators, investors, and venture firms. The Rail segment provides tailored leasing and financing for railcars and locomotives across North America. It generates the majority of its revenue from the General Banking segment.

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