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Eversource Energy (D/B/A) (ES) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Eversource Energy (D/B/A) (ES) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About ES Eversource Energy (D/B/A)

Logo Eversource Energy (D/B/A)

Eversource Energy is a diversified holding company with subsidiaries that provide rate-regulated electric, gas, and water distribution service to more than 4 million customers in the Northeast US. The company expanded its service territories with acquisitions of NStar (2012), Aquarion (2017), and Columbia Gas (2020). In 2024 Eversource exited its 50% partnership with European utility Orsted to develop 2 gigawatts of offshore wind projects in the Northeast US. The company exited most of its unregulated businesses in 2006.

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