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Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (CPK) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (CPK) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About CPK Chesapeake Utilities Corporation

Chesapeake Utilities Corp is a diversified energy delivery company that is engaged in natural gas transmission and distribution, electricity generation and distribution, propane gas distribution, mobile compressed natural gas utility services and solutions and other businesses. The company operates in two reportable segments, Regulated Energy and Unregulated Energy. The company's natural gas and electric distribution operations in Delaware, Maryland and Florida are subject to regulation by their respective PSC. Eastern Shore, its natural gas transmission subsidiary, is subject to regulation by the FERC and Peninsula Pipeline and Aspire Energy Express, its intrastate pipeline subsidiaries, are subject to regulation by the Florida PSC and Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, respectively.

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