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Church & Dwight Company Inc. (CHD) Online Dividend Calculator

Maximize Returns on Church & Dwight Company Inc. (CHD) Investments Using Our Online Dividend Calculator.

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About CHD Church & Dwight Company Inc.

Logo Church & Dwight Company Inc.

Church & Dwight is the leading global producer of baking soda. Beyond baking soda, the products in its portfolio have vast category reach, including laundry products, cat litter, oral care, deodorant, and nasal care, all sold under the Arm & Hammer brand. Its mix also includes Batiste, OxiClean, Vitafusion, WaterPik, Hero, and TheraBreath, which together with Arm & Hammer constitute around 70% of its annual sales and profits. Even as it works to extend the reach of its products, Church & Dwight still derives more than 80% of its sales from its home market in the US.

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