1 | | N/A | $188.2M | N/A | $5.64 | 38.80 |
2 | JVACoffee Holding Co. Inc. | United States | $47.3M | 403.4K | $4.02 | 36.18 |
3 | AGNCAGNC Investment Corp. | United States | $8.9B | 23.9M | $9.93 | 27.29 |
4 | SHIPSeanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. | Greece | $141.8M | 217.2K | $7.05 | 34.83 |
5 | PLYMPlymouth Industrial REIT Inc. | United States | $794.4M | 448.4K | $16.82 | 37.45 |
6 | SEMRSEMrush Holdings Inc. | United States | $2.6B | 958.5K | $10.07 | 49.81 |
7 | | United States | $12.8B | 1.1M | $95.05 | 49.76 |
8 | BALLBall Corporation | United States | $14.7B | 2.6M | $50.73 | 45.24 |
9 | CLXClorox Company (The) | United States | $19.0B | 1.6M | $141.76 | 32.76 |
10 | | United States | $151.5B | 54.3M | $25.70 | 35.81 |
11 | | Spain | $5.1B | 1.4M | $7.55 | 34.70 |
12 | CMPRCimpress plc (Ireland) | Ireland | $2.0B | 260.4K | $42.36 | 36.41 |
13 | ARDTARDENT HEALTH PARTNERS INC | United States | $2.0B | 640.8K | $13.11 | 37.70 |
14 | | United Kingdom | $2.2B | 958.2K | $39.83 | 41.92 |
15 | CWTCalifornia Water Service Group | United States | $2.7B | 384.0K | $45.61 | 39.20 |
16 | ACRACRES Commercial Realty Corp. | United States | $142.8M | 54.9K | $21.74 | 32.38 |
17 | MECMayville Engineering Company Inc. | United States | $324.5M | 140.2K | $13.86 | 39.33 |
18 | AODabrdn Total Dynamic Dividend Fund of Beneficial Interest | United Kingdom | $908.8M | 437.4K | $8.62 | 49.01 |
19 | GBGlobal Blue Group Holding AG | Switzerland | $1.5B | 425.2K | $7.40 | 48.15 |
20 | INTRInter & Co. Inc. | Brazil | $2.1B | 3.7M | $5.68 | 45.90 |
21 | | United States | $6.7B | 4.2M | $19.78 | 42.39 |
22 | VMIValmont Industries Inc. | United States | $6.9B | 177.9K | $297.50 | 40.02 |
23 | WDHWaterdrop Inc. (each representing the right to receive 10) | China | $564.5M | 290.1K | $1.46 | 44.60 |
24 | | Brazil | $9.4B | 2.8M | $48.87 | 35.05 |
25 | PLOWDouglas Dynamics Inc. | United States | $545.7M | 173.8K | $23.91 | 47.88 |
26 | LFVNLifevantage Corporation (Delaware) | United States | $269.4M | 172.2K | $14.84 | 31.51 |
27 | | United States | $94.3B | 3.5M | $148.15 | 46.55 |
28 | ABTAbbott Laboratories | United States | $221.0B | 7.4M | $125.59 | 40.96 |
29 | PKPark Hotels & Resorts Inc. | United States | $2.5B | 4.5M | $11.25 | 42.34 |
30 | CIGIColliers International Group Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares | Canada | $6.5B | 135.2K | $123.61 | 44.90 |
31 | PGRProgressive Corporation (The) | United States | $165.3B | 3.4M | $274.13 | 45.18 |
32 | ULBIUltralife Corporation | United States | $98.1M | 50.8K | $5.50 | 49.22 |
33 | FOURShift4 Payments Inc. | United States | $4.5B | 1.9M | $86.40 | 42.08 |
34 | ESIElement Solutions Inc. | United States | $6.3B | 5.0M | $25.28 | 38.18 |
35 | RYNRayonier Inc. REIT | United States | $4.3B | 1.2M | $27.45 | 38.01 |
36 | SVMSilvercorp Metals Inc. | Canada | $769.7M | 6.3M | $4.06 | 49.60 |
37 | IESCIES Holdings Inc. | United States | $4.4B | 221.5K | $185.03 | 49.43 |
38 | ALEXAlexander & Baldwin Inc. REIT Holding Company | United States | $1.3B | 624.8K | $17.32 | 49.80 |
39 | KEQUKewaunee Scientific Corporation | United States | $183.8M | 22.8K | $41.00 | 49.32 |
40 | QSGQuantaSing Group Limited | China | $140.0M | 86.8K | $2.64 | 46.53 |
41 | PSIXPower Solutions International Inc. Common Stock | United States | $801.5M | 307.6K | $30.10 | 45.85 |
42 | MTXMinerals Technologies Inc. | United States | $2.4B | 230.8K | $65.64 | 41.95 |
43 | RCIRogers Communication Inc. | Canada | $15.0B | 1.0M | $27.39 | 45.81 |
44 | VSTVistra Corp. | United States | $57.0B | 9.9M | $130.94 | 48.91 |
45 | GFIGold Fields Limited | South Africa | $19.3B | 3.7M | $20.85 | 40.75 |
46 | SILASILA REALTY TRUST INC | United States | $1.4B | 482.3K | $26.00 | 48.07 |
47 | | Ireland | $162.9B | 9.4M | $125.16 | 40.38 |
48 | | Israel | $299.7M | 73.6K | $10.01 | 48.84 |
49 | HONEHarborOne Bancorp Inc. | United States | $461.5M | 151.7K | $10.73 | 47.31 |
50 | MFAMFA Financial Inc. | United States | $1.1B | 1.1M | $10.86 | 43.36 |