as 12-20-2024 4:00pm EST
abrdn Life Sciences Investors operates as a non-diversified closed-end management investment company. Its investment objective is to seek long-term capital appreciation by investing mostly in securities of Life Sciences companies. It invests in securities of public and private companies that are believed by the Fund's Investment Adviser, abrdn Inc to have potential for above-average growth.
To train our stocks HQL ML model, we use historical data with over 25 parameters, including volume indicators, volatility indicators, momentum indicators, trend indicators, and other metrics.
We update our ML model either weekly or biweekly, depending on the market capitalization of the stocks, using TensorFlow, typically over the weekend.
Unfortunately, our current data provider offers limited historical data, which impacts the accuracy of our ML model. However, as we continue to gather more data over time and add more indicators, we expect the accuracy of our model to improve.
We would greatly appreciate your contribution. Please send an email to [email protected]
Yes, we offer it for strategy purposes only, with intervals: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes etc.
Our ML model is primarily designed for educational purposes and is not intended to provide financial advice. We strongly recommend consulting with a financial advisor before making any buying or selling decisions.
Our HQL ML model is developed exclusively for educational purposes. Any information presented on this page regarding the '"HQL Forecast & Prediction for December 22, 2024 abrdn Life Sciences Investors Shares of Beneficial Interest" should not be considered as financial advice or as a recommendation to buy or sell stocks. It is provided strictly for educational purposes. Investing in stocks involves significant risks, and decisions should be made only after careful consideration and consultation with a qualified financial advisor.